Iron Man 3.

Trouble With The Curve.

Yesterday I get message from Mr. Hiroshi Mikitani via email on Linkedln. The message about article’s ” Are you having fun yet?”…. I think the article very nice and good to share in here because the article has inspiration about; ” How we will be able to determine the future  and How we plan to face the end of the year and new year”.

Life is  a song- sing it.

life is a game – play it.

Life is a challenge- meet it.

life is a dream- realize it.

life is a sacrifice- offer it.

life is love- enjoy it.

A professional is someone who loves his job. If you don’t love your job don’t go looking for another one first, stay where you are and try to find the love .

Loving your job is not that hard to do. The trick is to make it a game. Here’s how it works;

1. Establish goals; What is game, really, if not the accomplishment of a set of goals? To get the most point. To cross the finnish line first. These are game goals, set your own job goals.

2. Come up with innovative way  to achieve them; The more you concentrate and the more you innovate, the more enjoyable your goal-chasing will be come.

People who love their jobs are always- whether they realize it or not setting goals and accumulating innovative methods to achieve them.

A person who does not feel passionate about his or her work is like “an archer with a bow and arrow but no target, no matter how many times the archer draws his bow, he will never feel the fun of hitting his target.”

If your job is boring, set targets, face them and fire off your arrows. When you hit your targets you will be happy. When you miss, you will be dissappointed and you will want to do better. This is the path to being a true proffesional.

Quotes 1

1. Leave few road, need courage carriage enthusiastic. If successful you will get happy, failure you will get wisdom. Take risk a type, it will is worth.

2.Learn the best others, do the best own.

3.For own to think unfortunately is the more many, it’s the more big to our injury.

4.Time seems river running water, it can only flow out can not to return to

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Unschool Me Today!

You know, a lot of people are so well-read that they have gone all over the internet for their “research” into homeschooling but have forgotten to conduct an even more crucial form of “research” – i.e. into themselves.

I was completely blind-sided by this fact because I had done the Inner Journey before I embarked on the Outer Journey and, in true Projection style, I simply assumed everyone had done this as well. I simply assumed people automatically know how to manage their time, resources, energy and manage their relationships with family and people around them, manage their expectations and life in general.

Having said that it doesn’t mean that I was “done” with my Inner Journey before I made the leap. A lot of things are still going to come up as we go along, as we discover things about ourselves and who we become when those things come…

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Ummu Shofiyyah al-Balitariyyah

Amalan Sunnah di 10 Hari Pertama Bulan Dzulhijjah dan Hari Raya Idul Adha


1.       Haji & umroh

Bulan Dzulhijjah dinamakan Dzulhijjah karena di bulan inilah dilaksanakannya ibadah haji.

وَلِلَّهِ عَلَى النَّاسِ حِجُّ الْبَيْتِ مَنِ اسْتَطَاعَ إِلَيْهِ سَبِيلًا وَمَنْ كَفَرَ فَإِنَّ اللَّهَ غَنِيٌّ عَنِ الْعَالَمِينَ

“Mengerjakan haji adalah kewajiban manusia terhadap Alloh, yaitu bagi orang yang sanggup mengadakan perjalanan ke Baitulloh. Barangsiapa mengingkari (kewajiban haji), maka sesungguhnya Alloh Maha Kaya (tidak memerlukan sesuatu) dari semesta alam.” [QS. Ali Imron: 97]

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I. Pancasila

1. Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa

Makna sila ini adalah:

* Percaya dan taqwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa sesuai dengan agama dan kepercayaannya masing-masing menurut dasar kemanusiaan yang adil dan beradab.

* Hormat dan menghormati serta bekerjasama antara pemeluk agama dan penganut-penganut kepercayaan yang berbeda-beda sehingga terbina kerukunan hidup.

* Saling menghormati kebebasan menjalankan ibadah sesuai dengan agama dan kepercayaan masing-masing.

* Tidak memaksakan suatu agama atau kepercayaannya kepada orang lain.

2. Kemanusiaan Yang Adil Dan Beradab

Makna sila ini adalah:

* Mengakui persamaan derajat, persamaan hak dan persamaan kewajiban antara sesama manusia.

* Saling mencintai sesama manusia.
*Mengembangkan sikap tenggang rasa.
* idak semena-mena terhadap orang lain.
* Menjunjung tinggi nilai kemanusiaan.
* Gemar melakukan kegiatan kemanusiaan.
* Berani membela kebenaran dan keadilan.
* Bangsa Indonesia merasa dirinya sebagai bagian dari masyarakat Dunia Internasional dan dengan itu harus mengembangkan sikap saling hormat-menghormati…

Lihat pos aslinya 878 kata lagi



  1. “infinitive” adalah “verb” dlm bentuk dasar digabung dgn “to”  Pada kalimat “I forgot to buy milk,” “to buy” adalah infinitive.
  2. “gerund” adalah “verb” dalam bentuk “present participle” seperti “swimming”, walking, listening, etc” Pada kalimat  “I like swimming” “swimming” adalah “gerund”. Sama sekali tidak berkaitan dgn sedang berenang.

Kedua bentuk ini bisa berperan sebagai noun, tetapi pada kalimat-kalimat contoh dibawah bisa membuat arti kalimat menjadi beda.

Contoh A

1. Do you like swimming? Apa kamu suka berenang?

2. Do you want to swim? Apa kamu mau berenang?

Dari sudut kaidah grammar kalimat 1 & 2 berpola sama tetapi artinya beda. Pada kalimat 1 “berenang” merupakan satu kegiatan tanpa berkonotasi pada waktu tertentu. Dlm kalimat 2 sekalipun tdk disebutkan tetapi ada implikasinya dgn waktu  Kalau pada kedua kalimat ditambah waktu tertentu kita lihat apa perobahannya:

1 Do you like swimming now? Bisa diartikan apa sekarang kamu sudah senang berenang (mungkin…

Lihat pos aslinya 142 kata lagi


Definition and Procedure Fasting Ramadan, Mondays and Thursdays, Nazar, Ramadhan, Fasting Mid-Month, Ashura, Arafat and Syawal

Meaning of fasting according to the language is restrained. According to the Shari’a of Islam fasting is a form of worship to Allah by refraining from eating, drinking, lust, and other things that can break the fast from sunrise / dawn / dawn until sunset / sunset with the intention of the previous advance .

Lihat pos aslinya 489 kata lagi


ki ahmad

Dari Ali bin Abi Thalib ra bahwa dia berkata: Nabi SAW ditanya tentang keutamaan-keutamaan tarawih di bulan Ramadhan. Kemudian beliau bersabda:
1. Orang mukmin keluar dari dosanya pada malam pertama, seperti saat dia dilahirkan oleh ibunya.
2. Dan pada malam kedua, ia diampuni, dan juga kedua orang tuanya, jika keduanya mukmin.
3. Dan pada malam ketiga, seorang malaikat berseru dibawah ‘Arsy: “Mulailah beramal, semoga Allah mengampuni dosamu yang telah lewat.”
4. Pada malam keempat, dia memperoleh pahala seperti pahala membaca Taurat, Injil, Zabur, dan Al-Furqan (Al-Quran).
5. Pada malam kelima, Allah Ta’ala memeberikan pahala seperti pahala orang yang shalat di Masjidil Haram, masjid Madinah dan Masjidil Aqsha.
6. Pada malam keenam, Allah Ta’ala memberikan pahala orang yang berthawaf di Baitul Makmur dan dimohonkan ampun oleh setiap batu dan cadas.
7. Pada malam ketujuh, seolah-olah ia mencapai derajat Nabi Musa a.s. dan kemenangannya atas Fir’aun dan Haman.
8. Pada…

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